Das 8-tägige, selbstorganisierte, auf Spenden basierende Workshop-, Campleben- und Mitmach-Festival,

combines these four areas for the first time:

A Permaculture-Festival

Permaculture is a worldwide movement, a global design approach and a philosophy. Permaculture projects are not recognised by their appearance. They can take on the most diverse forms. What makes them different, however, is that they function permanently by imitating natural laws - preferably over many generations - and fulfil needs without exploiting the environment or living at the expense of future generations."

A Wilderness Awareness-Festival

"The aim of Wilderness Awareness is to counteract the increasing alienation from nature in our society by making millennia-old knowledge available to today's generations. It is dedicated to a life in which children are allowed to be completely trusting and the young come into their own, in which adults recognise themselves and their gifts and elders pass on their knowledge. And last but not least, a healthy nature that includes us all."

A Foodsharing-Festival

Foodsharing creates connection to and appreciation for our food. With the goal of ending waste, we are all challenged to think about our "daily bread". Yes, you too, feel free to ask yourself the questions: What do I eat? Where does it come from? How healthy is it? Who worked for it? Foodsharing is more than just pointing out food waste. The question is how people can eat in solidarity and in harmony with nature."

A FLAKE-Festival

“Die FLAKE is an art installation and social sculpture. It opens up a space of experience that invites people to connect without the logic of exchange. It encourages you to become aware of your needs, abilities and resources. And even further, whether and if so, how you are willing to share them with others. There is, of course, no partial compulsion. In short, FLAKE is an analogue multisharing platform with fun, games and surprises."

...from “How To Humus”, a documentary on the Humus Festival from Wie:Du:Kind Filmwerkstatt

Basis of values

The Büro für sozialen Humusaufbau takes a clear position against any form of dogmatism, discrimination, violence, exclusion and offensive behaviour based on ethnicity, origin, skin colour, religious belief, sexual orientation, gender identity, socio-economic status, impairment or age.

for queries about
all subject areas:

Tel.: +49 (0) 1sieben9 42fünf 8acht5 sechs
(Mon-Thu 09-15 h)

Mail: info[:ät:]


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